Thursday Thirteen #22
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1…. Fargo **Yeah, I know. I must be crazy, right? Sorry. Too bizarre for me. Hated it. 2.... Gigli ** I had to find out if it was really that bad, or if the press was exaggerating. They WEREN'T exaggerating. Bloody awful. 3.... Stuart Saves his Family **rented this movie when the hubby and I were dating. It supposedly got two thumbs-up. We gave it nine thumbs-down. 4.... Prelude to a Kiss ** I was a teenager, but still. I just didn't "get" this movie. Boring. 5.... Two of a Kind ** What a disappointment! And I LOVED Grease. 6.... City of Angels ** After I suffered through that whole movie, they're together for like 5 minutes. Grrr!!! 7.... High Fidelity ** I'm a HUGE John Cusack fan, but this movie was depressing. 8.... Joe vs the Volcano ** My friend and I walked out of the movie theater halfway through this one. Boring. 9.... Night of the Living Dead ** Yes, a cult classic, but too freaky and low budget for me. 10.... Six Days Seven Nights ** It was agony to watch two people with absolutely no "chemistry" act together. Ugh. 11.... Jersey Girl ** I did not find this movie charming in the least. 12.... Fair Game ** don't ask me how I even got roped into seeing this movie. I couldn't watch all of it, though. Someone should have fired the casting director that put Cindy Crawford in that movie. Worst acting ever! 13.... Leaving Las Vegas ** The acting was better, but maybe... too good? After two hours of watching Nicolas Cage drink himself to death, I wanted to commit suicide, too. (Not really, but you catch my drift) What movie(s) would you never watch again?
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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I have to agree with you on all of them except Stuart Saves His Family. I found that movie HILARIOUS. But perhaps that's because it pokes fun of something I know very well. LOL.
Great list Jenn
Oh man, I LOVE Joe Vs. The Volcano! There's something about that movie that reminds me of a fairy tale - impossible happenings, strange coincidences...I just love it. But then, I could watch a lot of movies on your list more than once. Fargo, High Fidelity, City of Angels, Six Days, Seven Nights...
Stuart Saves His Family tho? Ugh. I can't stand that guy - what's his name Al Franken? Franklin? Whatever. He's so not funny.
I would have to agree with you.
I'm also a HUGE John Cusack fan and I totally agree that movie sucked rocks...what a disappointment.
I agree with all except two: City of Angels is one of my favorites (twisted theology aside), and I thought Six Days Seven Nights was hilarious.
Gigli is probably the worst movie ever made! LOL
The only movie I've seen on the list is Two of a Kind. And yes, it's a favorite of mine! I love the soundtrack. *slinks off in embarrassment* Happy TT!
Yep on Gigli, Jersey Girl, and Two of a Kind. Hate them!
Okay, there are lots of movies I wouldn't watch again. That horrid movie with John Travolta--I blocked the name because it was awful...the one where there are aliens...
My all-time least favorite movie is "Con Air" ... it's a family joke. DH took me out to dinner and to that movie for our anniversary the year it came out. Talk about a bummer!
But now when we see a stinker the immediate reaction is, "That rivals Con Air!" *lol*
*gasps* Joe vs. the Volcano is one of my very favorite movies!!!! I'll admit though, it is one of the strangest movies of all time. I think that's why I love it. And everything before he starts his trip is pretty boring, but it's supposed to be. His life is boring. :-D Okay now that I'm done disagreeing. OMG City of Angels! I don't like a movie that I get up and leave the theater sobbing! I mean really! I like me some HEA! This was like every romance about angels ever written but with a crappy ending!!!
yah you are not the only one....they are horrid films
I liked Fargo, in a car-crash-morbid kind of way. Haven't seen most of the others.
I agree with you on City of Angels. HATED that movie.
My top pick for 'worst movie ever' is definitely and without a doubt, "Dr. T and the Women."
My 13 is up if you'd like to check it out!
LOL! Great list! I'm so borrowing this idea!
My TT is at
Great list of awful movies. I did like City of Angels the first time I watched it. Subsequent viewing said, no, no--the ending sucks. Liked the soundtrack, though. Big Cusak fan--did not like Hi Fidelity. You're right--depressing. I didn't like "Must Love Dogs," either. Going way back, I hated "Arthur." Hubby makes me watch "Fearless Vampire Killers" far too often. "Gattica" was indecipherable.
Oh I HATED City of Angels so very, very much. Not to mention you totally saw it coming.
I haven't seen many of the rest of those, and now perhaps I won't bother ;)
Happy TT!
Oh, I liked Fargo, but haven't even seen those other movies-well, except for City of Angels, which I thought was okay :)
Great list!
I can agree with almost all of those...
Joe Vs. the Volcano??? You must have been in a bad mood, right? LOL There's just no telling!
I didn't like City of Angels either...and I felt as if I should have. But yeah, yuck. Dying? Bleh. :D
I still haven't seen Fargo. Yeah. Whatever. Hated Joe Vs. The Volcano, Six Days/Seven Nights, and City of Angels (Is it just us or should that have been titled "Stalked by An Angel"?)
The one that I'd have to put on my list would be Le Divorce. Ugh. That was awful. We threw it away instead of giving it away so no one else would have to be subjected to that copy.
Fun list! Thanks for sharing!
I hated city of angels, Leaving Los Vegas and i had a nightmare about a woodchipper just before fargo came out so that was an easy choice not to see.
great list.
When I was little my father took my sister and I to see.... brrrrrwwww
That kept me awake for months at night. Still get the same feeling I did then now when I'm all growed up and brrrrrrwwwww
I T13'd with Jonathon Swift this week.
I haven't seen all of them, but 1, 8 and 13 definitely get my vote on movies never to watch again. I couldn't even watch all of #13. Glad it wasn't in the theater!
good point about city og angels but i loved it cos that made it realistic compared to other soppy romance flicks.
oh and enjoy the conference. :)
I liked High Fidelity.
But yeah, City of Angels - BLECH!!!
Message in a Bottle, too.
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