Monday, November 19, 2007

Bios, Blurbs, and Baptisms--Oh my!

MENTAL STATUS: "Upbeat". Looking forward to my room mom activities today. And I qualified for a free turkey AND a free ham at my local food store. I think I'll pick them up today, too.

I spent the better part of Friday working on a bio and blurb for my upcoming release, The Role of a Lifetime. So far, it looks like it's slated for sale in Spring 2008--until further notice from my editor, that is. I know you'll all be waiting with bated breath until then, (this is sarcasm) but I'm begging you to relax. The longer it takes, the better the book will be.
I think that's how it works, anyway. **wink**

BIO: Anyway, as I sat down to write my bio for the Samhain website, I had a sudden dawning that... I don't really have a "bio". Huh. That was a bummer realization. But the good people at Samhain suggested to keep the information about myself short and fun--which is very good. Light and breezy I can do. And did.


BLURB: Luckily, I already had a "blurb" for my book, because I basically created one for my query letter. So I just needed to come up with a one sentence hook and then something shorter than a blurb for the booksellers.


BAPTISM: Went to a Christening for the baby of friends of ours on Sunday.


The Baptism "reception" was four hours, involving an open bar, tons of food, balloons, and a DJ. Now that's what I call a Baptismal celebration! My daughter danced the whole time and even freaked me out a little when I thought she actually knew the words to Fergie's "Big Girls Don't Cry". She didn't. Praise the Lord. But it sure looked that way. She's growing up too fast.

So that was my weekend. Basically. I skipped the part about the 3 & 1/2 hour Build-A-Bear birthday party I took my daughter to on Saturday. But that's for another blog post...

So how was your weekend?


Rhonda Helms said...

Not too bad! I did a lot of writing and a lot of chilling, which is always nice. :D

Kristen Painter said...

You had me at free ham. I love ham. Love it. Pigs are the most delicious animals in the world.

Stephanie said...

Yeah, spring of '08! I can't wait to buy it!

Babe King said...

You get free meat? Gee, I wanna live in America!
And what do you mean, you don't have a bio? Course you do. Just go bake another squirrel and realize what an interesting person you are. And I'll take grits to go. :-)