Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Last Frontier?

MENTAL STATUS: "Pooped". Busy, busy, busy--with trying to learn all about book promotion.

Well, things couldn't get more kooky for me lately. I think I've crossed the last frontier in author/book promotion. No, actually that's not true. If I make a book trailer, then you'll know I've crossed the last frontier. For now, I'm just on MySpace.

Heaven help the Internet.

Still tinkering with it, and of course gaining some new friends here and there. Poor Tom is gonna be surprised when he comes back. *wink* (He's been my only friend for MONTHS)

Now that I've filled all my time with this yesterday, I'm finally going to get back into the writing swing of things again. I feel like I've been stuck in this same chapter for years.

Are you on MySpace?


Chicki Brown said...

Very cool! I'll sign up later this afternoon. I'm rushing out this morning.

lainey bancroft said...

Yes, beginning a MySpce is a little like being lost in space. Happy traveling!