Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back in Shape

MENTAL STATUS: "Refreshed". Got up early to work out and now I feel GREAT.

Ooops. I'm late in blogging. But I have a good excuse. I was...


Gee, imagine that. I know. I'm stunned too. I usually reserve my exercise routine for the mid morning or maybe late afternoon. But the hubby has appointed himself my new personal trainer and has decided early morning would be better for me. (??)
So I took a 6:45 (that's AM) hour long Body Sculpting class and then I walked on the treadmil for 30 minutes.

My hope to be a runner earlier this summer has not panned out. Mainly because 1) my hubby isn't running anymore and 2) I hated running. But I did manage to work up to a mile. (Not too impressive in my neighborhood where they're all running AT LEAST 5 miles.)

So I'm hoping I can keep the early morning routine working. I love having so much more free time now, which I can now use to write. And clean.

What time of the day do you like to workout?


Chicki Brown said...

Ninety minutes of exercise is fantastic!

I got my treadmill on Sunday and hubby already cut the desktop. All he has to do is the legs and I'll be good to go.

My weight issue is definitely due to lack of movement, and I have to do something about it now.

PatriciaW said...

90 min of exercise?

It's morning or never for me. I try to get in at least 30 min. My goal is 45 min 5-6 times a week.