Monday, November 16, 2009

Drink to Better Writing

MOOD STATUS: "Upbeat". Got a lot done on my little blog break. :)

Last week in church I was talking to one of my vegan friends. (You know the type: never sick, thin, not a slave to chocolate or Cheetos, etc...)

Anyhew, I was asking her about natural alternatives to some health problems and that landed us on the topic of WATER. Well, by the end of our conversation, my hubby and I were completely sold on the benefits of it. And we also realized we don't drink enough of it--nor do we drink enough fluids in general.

I've thought about my not drinking enough in the past--especially since the last few times I've been hospitalized I've been told I'm dehydrated (despite drinking my normal amount).

So, right now the hubby and I are drinking about four 16 oz glasses a day and feel really good--despite the constant bathroom breaks. One of the things I've noticed alread is that I do feel much more alert, even with my going with the half caffeine coffee!

Here are some things that made ME decide to drink more water:

**since you're brain tissue is 85% water, your brain functions rely heavily on an ample water supply.
(Maybe you're not really getting old and forgetful; you just need more water.)

** Our energy level is determined the amount of drinking water we consume. Medical proof states that just a 5 per cent drop in fluids of the body will typically cause from 25 to 30 per cent loss of energy.

**Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

**A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

See a connection here with writing? :)

As a result, I've been keeping a pint glass of water (with straw) on my writing desk and drinking throughout the day while I work.

Do you drink enough water?


Chicki Brown said...

This is the one thing I do right in my diet. I love water better than anything and take a bottle with me everywhere I go -- even to bed at night. Now if I could only conquer being a "slave to chocolate or Cheetos, etc..."

Amy DeTrempe said...

I was recently sold on drinking water when I developed pneumonia. Sicne, I have carried around my 64oz cup, with lid and straw, I got at the hospital. I love the measurement on the side becaues I can alwasy tell how much I have drank that day. And, I do feel better and sleep better. I will always be a slave to chocolate though.

Jessica Nelson said...

I probably don't, even though it's my main fluid. I'm glad you posted this though. Great reminder. Water is what I mainly give my kids because I totally believe it's so necessary.

Mary E Campbell said...

I have a passion for water. I crave it and it's my beverage of choice always. I have to have it cold though. Tepid water is bleh. Water and milk - those are my drinks.

Joanne said...

I drink small amounts of water throughout each day and swear by the benefits of it. It's true, it does stave off fatigue. Also headaches are often triggered by dehydration, and I've found drinking water staves them off as well!

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Does tea count? Ha, I know. I know. No, I need to drink more water.
~ Wendy

Tana said...

I drink lots of water too and trust me I've learned not to do so just prior to going out or long car trips. ;)

Linda Kage said...

I've turned into a water/fruit juice girl in the past few years. So, it's good to know how much I've improved myself. Thanks for the stats. I didn't know those facts before

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

I really try to. In fact, every morning I drink about 30 oz first thing. My biggest problem are all the bathroom runs afterwards. I have IBS and discovered a few years ago that drinking a lot of water in the morning controls it better than anything else. Who'da thunk it?

I think the rule of thumb is half your body weight in oz a day.

Glad you had such a great week!

Cindy R. Wilson said...

I definitely don't drink as much water as I should and especially with being sick lately, I know I should. It helps when I put it in a glass with water and a straw and if I really need a reason to drink it sometimes I'll buy lemons to make it more appealing. Anything to get in those fluids! Thanks for the reminder (I'm still only on glass number 1 today).

PatriciaW said...

I love water. It probably constitutes 90% of my liquid intake. Like Chicki, it's the one thing I do right. Bones and joints feel better. Skin, hair and nails are better. So are a few other things that shall remain unnamed. :)

My experience is that your body will adjust and the bathroom breaks will become less frequent (or you'll just notice them less).

Stephanie said...

I don't drink enough either. I get kidney stones because of it, too! You would think I would learn! and I'm always sluggish and stuff, so you've made me think today! Thanks!

Ava Walker Jenkins said...

You caught me. The answer is no, not nearly enough. I love iced tea but know it isn't the same. Great reminder.

Susan R. Mills said...

I've always been a big water drinker. It's harder in the winter because I want something hot to drink, but I still get in my 64 oz. So what do you think my daytime fatigue is caused from? :)

Julie Dao said...

I drink tons and tons of water. I never used to, but after getting really sick with dehydration one summer, I have been drinking between a liter and 2 liters a day. (I think 2 liters is the recommended amount) I used to think it was too bland and boring, but now if I don't maintain my 1-2 liters a day, my throat gets really dry. I've gotten used to it and I drink less soda now too :)

Jennifer Shirk said...

Joanne: Yes, I read where dehydration leads to headaches, too. Before I was drinking my water, I was getting a lot, but I thought it was from too much reading. I think it was because I was dehdrated now.

Patricia: Yes, it's true. Today I haven't had to run to the bathroom as much. And no more waking up in the middle of the night to go, too! :)

Caroline Starr Rose said...

Back when I could run, it was amazing to be able to draw parallels between hydration and a good/bad run.

Jill Kemerer said...

I love it when other people do healthy things, because it inspires ME to do healthy things! I go through spurts with water. Sometimes I'll drink a ton of it. Other times? Not so much! Cheetohs sound good...

Kara said...

I really try. It also keeps your skin looking healthy. Everytime I have some caffiene I try to drink a bottle of water to help balance things out:)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Yay, I love water and drink a lot of it. Wow, I can't believe I am doing something good for me, and it doesn't even hurt.

Stephanie Faris said...

I wish my boyfriend would listen to that! He has one alcoholic beverage and feels like crap...then wakes up with a headache the next day. He says it's because he's getting old but I keep telling him it's because he's not getting enough fluid. If you NEVER drink water in your day to day life, then you have a drink one Friday night at random, of COURSE it's going to affect you. But yes, when I drink more water I feel MUCH better.

Dawn Simon said...

I drink A LOT of water. I always have a glass at my desk, and I fill it up several times throughout the day. Unfortunately, I also love caffeinated drinks. What's a girl to do? ;)

Marianne Arkins said...

I have every single one of those symptoms. :::wanders off to fill up a glass of water:::

Eileen Astels Watson said...

Is that my problem?????

Seriously, I used to drink 8 cups of water a day for the longest time, but then stopped and now I'm finding myself going to sleep way earlier than before.

I'm getting my water right now. Thanks for sharing this, Jennifer.

Terri Tiffany said...

I carry a bottle around with me that measures how much I drink in one day since I ended up with a couple of uncomfortable utis!

Walt Mussell said...

I used to drink a lot more water than I do now. I was losing weight then, too. I should get back to drinking more water for that reason.