Monday, January 10, 2011

NEW Year NEW Goals!

MOOD STATUS: "Upbeat". I love to make a list of goals!
FAVORITE CHRISTMAS GIFT: The Griddler by Cuisinart.

Hi, all! Yes, I'm still alive. I just took advantage of a nice loooooong holiday break complete with skiing, eating, sleeping, baking and FUN.

I'm spoiled like that. :)

Anyhew, I missed all of you! Truly! And I hope you all had the very best Christmas and New Years. And speaking of New Years *cough cough* ... it's that time again. (Beyond remembering to change the year on all the new checks you'll be writing)

It's that time of year of resolutions and/or GOALS.

I'm not one to really hop on the bandwagon of New Years resolutions but I do believe it is an inspiring time to take stock of the past year and decide if you want to stay the course or make a change--personally and professionally.

I've been doing some hard thinking (scary, I know) but I've decided to do make a few changes in my own life this year. Want to know what they are? Oh, good! Because I was going to tell you anyway! And here goes...


Last year I made the decision to start running, drink more water and eat more organically. I'm glad I did because I more or less was success the whole year with that.

This year I getting a little nutty--er, aggressive. The hubby and I are doing the P90X workout regime! I admit, I'm a little nervous about this thing, but the hubby said if I stuck to it and did the whole 90 days he would offer an incentive--meaning new curtains in my dining room and new counters in my kitchen.

That was all I needed to hear. Bring it on!


Last year I had a vague goal of trying to become more disciplined in my writing. Um, yeah. Unfortunately, vague goals are just that. VAGUE. So there was little accomplished on that front. Although I give myself an A for effort. :)

This year I'm getting more aggressive. (For me, anyway)
Some of my critique partners and I will be doing a Book In 3 Months writing challenge in Feb. for a new story I'm plotting. My other goal is finish my manuscript Kissing Kendall. Both books I plan to have done and submitted by the end of the year.

See? A concrete goal. MUCH better.

Woo-hoo! I'm excited for this year already!
How about you?

Have you mapped out any goals for yourself--personally or professionally?
Do you like to make goals for the new year?

(PS, what was your favorite Christmas gift you received?)


Tamika: said...

Hi Jennifer! Glad you're back and your holidays were so full of joy. My newest little darling Chloe was the best Christmas present for me. Oh, and my new Blackberry:)

This year I plan finish polishing my WIP, and start a new book!

Leigh Caron said...

Welcome back. Don't have any new goals per se, just a new motto: Nothing is going to stop me. :)

Anonymous said...

That 90 day excercise regime must be pretty intense if your getting kitchen counters out of the deal - so good luck! :)

Terri Tiffany said...

Missed you!! Welcome back to the atmosphere here.
My only goal for writing is to take it slower and revise with more passion and purpose.
In other words, do it better than last year and don't cut corners.
Personally, trying to be grateful for every little thing each day. Not judge and keep up with my body plan to get in great shape.

Wendy Paine Miller said...

I set so many goals throughout the year, often Jan. feels like just another month.

But yes, I have 'em. Water is on my list. Secure an agent is there too. Finish WIP (I'm 15K shy) and jump in on the new one. And a whole slew of others. I'll spare you. ;)

Welcome back!
~ Wendy

Laura Pauling said...

I'm not one for goals either. My writing goals are always the same: keep learning, keep writing, keep reading. :)

Rula Sinara said...

Welcome back! I'm dying to find out how the workout regimine works for you. Let us know! I'd love to look ripped!

Robyn Campbell said...

Welcome back, and glad you will be getting new curtains, too, SWEET!

Thanks for the birthday message for Christopher.

Goals! So many. Most importantly, a closer walk with Christ, an agent AND A BOOK DEAL.

Then there's that little matter of caloric intake. To be continued...

Kerry Ann @Vinobaby's Voice said...

Great goals and kudos for putting them out there. My goals are similar this year--be in the best shape of my life (must go to the gym when I get off this computer), blog more, and FINISH MY BOOK.

Good luck with the px90. I have friends who have had amazing results from that intense workout.

Happy New Year!

Joanne said...

Welcome back Jennifer! I hope to grow my writing in 2011, trying a few new things, all while continuing to query a couple of manuscripts.

Best wishes to you for an amazing 2011 :)

Unknown said...

Let us know how PX90 goes! I'm really happy with my schedule right now. My goal is to actually stick with it all year!

DawnB said...

Good luck with your goals. Mine is to hit my word count every day. No matter what.

Stina said...

I have writing goals. I'm trying to drink more water but it just isn't happening. I used to like water, so I'm not sure what my problem is. :)

Kristi said...

Hi Jennifer!

Glad to have you back!!! I'm jealous of your skiing and fearful for your P90X!

Love the goals, I hope to be more disciplined in my writing this year too...time to finish the edits on my last manuscript and get it sparkly! ;)

Kayeleen Hamblin said...

Hello again! It's been a LOOOONG time. My goals are to get a regular schedule and get back to writing. It'll be awesome.

Favorite Christmas gift? All the books I got. Writing books, research books, reading books. Tons of books.

Maria Zannini said...

I don't make resolutions, but I do update my goals constantly.

I think you hit on a great way to meet yours though. When they're concrete and achievable, they seem easier to reach.

Looking forward to hearing more about the exercise program.

Anne Gallagher said...

Personal goals always have to do with the house, floors, paint, the outside deck. But of course it's snowing again so we'll put that off until spring.

Professional goals are easy. Get an agent. Lol. and again. LOL.
Srsly, I just want to finish the latest in my Regency series. After that it's anybody's guess.

PatriciaW said...

Way to go with your goals, Jen. Yeah, the vague ones tend to remain undone, but you're shoring them up, so you'll be more likely to achieve them this year.

I'm asking for the P90X system for my birthday next month. Let us know how you're doing with it.

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Yay for goals! Though your workout goal scares me :) I'll be cheering for you...probably from my treadmill where I'll be walking at a very slow pace!

My goal is to write at least two books this year. I usually do three but I'm taking it easy this year and I'm going to try to enjoy my writing more. I also plan to enforce family nights and work on paying off some of our bills.

Kimberly Franklin said...

P90X... it's tough, but kind of fun. We have it at our house, though it's currently sitting on the shelve collecting dust. Not doing much good there is it? Good luck!

Sarah Forgrave said...

Welcome back!

My husband has been doing P90X and has felt so much better...Well, except for the days he can't walk 'cause his muscles are so sore, LOL. But the rewards are worth it, especially new curtains and counters. You can do it! :)

Liz Mays said...

My daughter and her fiancee have done P90X and it's tough but it definitely works!

I haven't set one teeny tiny goal! Pathetic, I know.

Diane said...

Great goals! That PX90 thing kind of scares me. Let us know how it goes! :O)

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Good for you!

After 6 months of p90x, I'm doing a p90x/Insanity hybrid. Not fun... I still hate it... but I'm in great shape. Definitely worth it! Good for you... you can do it!

The Happy Whisk said...

Good luck hitting your goals.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Well, I survived the first day of
p90x. It wasn't pretty...

So great to see everyone again!! (hugs)

And I love hearing everyone's goals too! We can do it!

Jemi Fraser said...

Welcome back! Glad to hear you had such a nice break :)

My kids both did the PX90 workouts - they're NOT easy - and this old body wouldn't stand a chance! Good luck! :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Welcome back! Glad to hear you had such a nice break :)

My kids both did the PX90 workouts - they're NOT easy - and this old body wouldn't stand a chance! Good luck! :)

Erin Kern said...

I never makes goals, because I rarely follow through with them. Like you, I have a vague idea of what I want. well see if that actually happens

Carol Kilgore said...

Good for you. Santa brought new countertops for me. They're so worth darn near anything. Keep going :)

Susan R. Mills said...

Welcome back! I'm working on my list of goals for 2011 right now.

Unknown said...

Good luck with your goals and with that workout!

I did a post recently about my writing goals and love seeing what others are doing too - helps me stick wiht it!

Krista said...

Incentives are so important aren't they? Maybe I need to think up some incentives for my resolutions . . . ooh, this will be fun . . .

Tana said...

Yay goals! I'm glad you're back BTW. I've set a few for myself but most revolve around time management. SO far I think I'm doing waaay too much in one day, lol. All good intentions, right?

VR Barkowski said...

That workout looks intimidating, but countertops are a great incentive - stick with it! I always look at the new year as another opportunity to get it right. And that's my goal for 2011: to get it right.

Ciara said...

I can't wait to hear how the P90X goes for you. I've been wanting to try it, but have two herniated discs right now. Hope to soon. Good luck!!

Unknown said...

You 'almost' make me feel guilty enough to write down my goals. Key word, almost.
Seriously, I've never been one to write them down, I've always kept it in my head lol That way only me and the voices know when I slack off.
Great goals, and the fitness part is definitely something I need to focus on.
Good luck! I wish you much success in 2011.

Joanna St. James said...

im to lazy to even think up a resolution not to talk of follow thru. I just plan to stay healthy and pray for an inspiring epiphany that will get me motivated enough to set some goals. Till then I just let my life wonder in bliss.
I wish my skinny bloke would work out with me that will make it way better.

Kelly Polark said...

I think it's good to have concrete goals to strive for. Mine are a bit general. I should make them more specific!
Good luck to you. I like the book in three months. A deadline, but doable.

Julie Musil said...

I had to click over and see that griddler. It looks awesome!

My son tried P90X and only made it through one session. Yikes! That regimen scares me, I have to admit. But I'd do it for new kitchen counters.

My goal for 2011 is to polish stuff up and get it out there. Fingers crossed!

Hanna said...

Hi there! I am your newest follower from the blog hop!! Lovely blog:) You can find me at
I have several gorgeous handmade giveaways going on so check them out when you stop by

TheBookGirl said...

Glad to see you back Jennifer :)

I've seen that PX90 thing on QVC, and frankly it sort of scares me, lol, so you have my admiration for taking it on. Good luck with all your New Year's goals.

Patti Lacy said...

Welcome back, Jennifer!
No goals here...just day by day by day.
Blessings to you on yours!!