Time for a Fall Challenge!
First, let me say to all my friends going to the ACFW conference, have a safe trip and a WONDERFUL time...and that I'm jealous of all of you.
There. I'm jealous. Happy? :)
Secondly, let me say that I have absolutely no plans whatsoever to do NaNoWriMo this year. Nope, so don't ask or beg. I can't. Seriously. I tried once and it wasn't pretty for me or anyone else involved with me.
But that being said.... it doesn't mean that I don't have some lofty writing goals for fall!
Come October 1st, my crit partners and I have a Fall Writing Challenge going on for that month. Woo-hoo! I LOVE writing challenge goals! Mine is 2K a day. Hey, that rhymes!!
Here's how I came up with that number: I took twenty days of the month that I will be writing and figured 2K words a day will get me a good chunk done and keep me on tract with my yearly goals. (I know. I'm so smart.)
So this weekend I'll finish up editing then next week I can finish plotting and then I'll be all ready to start something new. I can't wait!!
What about you? Are planning any writing challenges? Do you plan on doing NaNo?
Any plans for the weekend?

No NaNo for me this year either. I need to use all my time to get queries out there. I did NaNo last year and honestly? I didn't feel the joy. My writing has to be about joy otherwise why do it?
I'm doing Nano, I'm passionate about Nano, and I firmly believe Rule #1 is 'If it is not going to be fun, do NOT do Nano', so it sounds like you've made a really good decision there :)
Good luck with your lofty fall writing goals, I hope you attain them!
I want to do it, I have a bright shiny idea waiting to go. I'm not doing it though because I have to get this one finished or it'll never happen :-)
Hmmm...I keep putting off NaNo, mostly due to the pressure, but maybe it's time to give it a twirl?
I'm in the contemplation stages...
LOVE the cartoon by the way...and congrats of the writing goals!
I'm not officially doing NaNo, but I'm going to use it to plow through to the end of my current WIP. I'm hoping all those diligently working participants out there will inspire me.
I love that Dilbert cartoon. My husband is always emailing them to me, but I hadn't seen that one.
Good luck on your challenge! Have a great weekend.
I'm still trying to decide on Nano. I would really like, but is it realistic for me? I have no idea. 50K words would pretty much finish my WIP though so that would be good.
I'm leaning more toward yes, than no. I just don't know if I can juggle that and homeschooling. :)
Know anyone who has?
I like the sound of your challenge :) Keep up the good work!
Honestly...what is WITH our Sox? We're falling apart right at the wrong time. I can hardly watch.
I'm forcing myself to watch tonight if I can...maybe if I really BELIEVE, we can come back. :P
I'd like to do Nano but my timing is always off. Also, these days my writing style doesn't work with that kind of intense deadline.
2K a day is a great goal. My October goal is to finishing editing! Hence the blog break :)
No Nano fo moi. Is that cute or what?
My goal for Oct. is to finish notes on a speaking engagement for our Business Women's seminar called, "From Culture to Cornfields."
Have fun with your 24K run, I mean, write!
I love the Dilbert cartoon LOL. :D
I think your 2k words challenge is perfect, I am going to steal it and aim for 2k words a day myself.
I'm not doing NaNo as I found out from trying BuNoWriMo back in the early summer that those challenges just don't work for me, but just having a daily goal is exactly what I want. Thanks for the inspiration!
Have a great weekend!
I had my own version of Nano this August. I took a break from blogging and everything else and finished a whole first draft. It was exhausting! nutschell
No challenges on the horizon but wouldn't hurt to have/make up one, since I've been away from my wip for the past six weeks due to work and family stuff. Already know I won't get back to it before mid-October due to same stuff. So maybe I can complete up with an end-of-the-year challenge.
I think 2K is about what my BF writes each weekend day. He's on his 3rd novel right now, but without an agent. He's shopping for one from his 2nd novel at the moment. Someone has his full....so hopefully.
Love the cartoon.
My writing challenge? To finish my WIP. I think that's more than enough.
NaNo? No way. I'll be working on my first draft during November, but I'd rather work on my own time frame.
That's still an awesome goal to work towards in November! 2k for 20 days out of the month will get you a good bit. Good luck with it!
And yep, I'm doing NaNoWriMo! I've done it every year since 2006 and there's no stopping me now. :)
I'm utterly torn on NaNo this year. Last year was my first and I won, hehe. But it took me until this past month to start editing that crap. And believe it or not, I'm starting to hate it less. I really need to finish editing that and start editing another project in order to have for Big Sur. Geez, but I really loved the frenzy of NaNo...
Good luck on your challenge! Hope you had a great weekend.
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