Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Resorting to Romance for your Book Club

 Is your book club interested in reading Resorting to Romance?

Here are some reader group questions that may enhance discussion!

Resorting To Romance Discussion Questions



1)        What is your overall impression of Loni as a protagonist? What were her positive and negative traits?


2)        Loni was treated unfairly in her job in California. Do you think her employer’s response would have been different if she had been a man? Have you ever been in a similar type of situation?


3)        The story features a fun supporting cast of characters from her two sisters to her coworkers at the resort. Who was your favorite supporting character and why?


4)        How did Ian’s upbringing and relationship with his parents impact how he approached relationships as an adult?


5)        How do Loni's relationships with her father and sisters evolve throughout the book? What are the main sources of tension and how are they resolved?


6)        What role does the discovery of the love letters play in the unfolding of the plot? How does it affect Loni’s perception of her family?



7)        Were there any plot twists or surprises that you found particularly compelling? How did they contribute to the overall story?


8)        How does the revelation about Loni's mother's affair impact the family dynamics? What ethical considerations come into play when dealing with family secrets?


9)        Explore the dynamic between Loni and Ian. How does their relationship develop from enemies to lovers, and what are the pivotal moments that bring them closer together?


10)   What do you imagine the future holds for Loni, Ian, and the rest of the characters? How do you envision their lives unfolding after the events of the book?




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