Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Good News!!!

Yes, I know it's not Friday, but... I couldn't hold in my good news any longer!

I was just offered a contract for my third book: Sunny Days for Sam from Avalon Books!!

(My second book with Avalon since they were also the ones who published Georgie on His Mind)

I'm so happy this book found a home--and such a nice home too. :) It's not my typical romantic comedy, but I would say, still lighthearted and fun. (I can't resist) But it's more of a Mr. Rochester meets Cinderella/Mary Poppins type of romance. LOL

This book was the first time I ever used character pictures and wrote the ending before I was even halfway through writing the beginning. (Sometimes it just works out that way) :)

And, for all you curious minds out there, here's the tentative blurb, which was what I used in my query letter. (Keep in mind that Avalon will change it up a bit, but at least you'll get the gist of the story)

Sunniva (Sunny) Fletcher is a firm believer in fairy tales. With the recent debt she’s acquired, the hope of something magical happening in her life is the only thing keeping her going. She needs a job fast. So when Sunny learns the sexy new vacationer in town is looking for a nanny, she starts to believe she just may have a fairy godmother after all!

Internet guru Sam Calloway is only in town for the summer and needs a nanny for his two small children. However, the beautiful and inexperienced Sunny is not exactly the kind of caregiver Sam has in mind. It doesn’t take long for Sunny’s tenderhearted and bubble blowing ways to soon have the children—and especially Sam—enamored with her. She’s a dream come true. But after what Sam’s been through, he’s stopped believing in fairy tales long ago.

Sunny manages to work her way into Sam’s closed-off heart, but at the end of the summer, is the workaholic dad going to go back to his life in New York City, or will he decide his days are “sunnier” here with Sunny?

Sound cute? Well, I think so. :)

And now I can breathe a sigh of RELIEF that my wait is over. Until the next time I submit a story, that is. :)

Any good news you'd like to share?


Unknown said...

Very sweet. I love Sunny's name - both versions - they make me smile so you were winning from the start :)

Nadia Lee said...

Congratulations, Jennifer!!!!! :-)

DUTA said...

Congrats! It sounds like a very good read!

Tabitha Bird said...

YAY you! That is great news!

Katie Ganshert said...

WooHoo!!!! Dancing for your Jennifer! That is GREAT news!

Jessica Nelson said...

Sounds adorable! Exactly like the kind of books I like to read. :-) Congrats on the sale!

Unknown said...

Congrats! What a great title! I can't wait to read it!

Mary Curry said...

Contests, Jennifer!!!!!
Your story sounds delightful. I'm looking forward to reading it!

Jessica Bell said...

Wow, that's fantastic! Congrats, Jen! :o)

Maria Zannini said...

Huzzah! Congrats, hon.

Terri Tiffany said...

Hurray!!! I can't wait to read this one too!!!!

Wendy Paine Miller said...


News, hmmmm...more snow here. ;)

~ Wendy

Rula Sinara said...

Woot!!! Love the blurb. Congratulations on the awesome news! Great way to start 2011 :).

Laura Pauling said...

Congrats! That's awesome Jennifer. And it sounds like a really fun, cute story! yay!

Amie Borst said...

Congratulations! that's wonderful news! go celebrate with some chocolate :)

Kerry Ann @Vinobaby's Voice said...

Congratulations! It sounds like a sunny, funny, and entertaining read.

Anne Gallagher said...

Oh that's so fantastically fantastic! I'm so happy for you Jennifer. Congratulations!

Stephanie Newton said...

Congratulations, Jennifer!!

Kristen Painter said...

Way to go!

Tamika: said...

Awesome news Jennifer! I'm so glad you didn't torture yourself and wait to share news until Friday:) Besides I needed some sunny news today!


Joanne said...

Your news is a ray of sunshine on this wintry, sleeting day! Congrats, raising my coffee cup in a toast to your book ... Cheers :)

Kara said...

Congrats!!! What a ray of sunshine on this cold morning:)

Sarah Forgrave said...

Congratulations!!! Sounds like a great read!

Bossy Betty said...

Congratulations! Whooooooo!

Carolyn V. said...

Whoo hoo!!! Congrats!!! =D

Anonymous said...

I am with everyone here--Congratulations!

Amanda Bonilla said...

YAY!!! Congrats! :)

Glynis Peters said...

Fantastic news! So happy for you!

Stephanie McGee said...


I want to read this book!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Oh, congrats!!! :)

Beth Mann said...

Great news, Jennifer!

PatriciaW said...

That is great news, Jennifer, and I love your query! I would read a book with that back cover blurb.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Thank you, everyone! I know this news warmed up my cold, dreary day! :)

Diane said...

Totally cute and can't wait to read it! :O)

Carol Riggs said...

Woohoo, BIG congrats to you! That is great news. :)

Dawn Brown said...

Sounds like a wonderful story. Congrats!!

Linda G. said...

Congratulations! Sounds terrifically cute! :)

Colene Murphy said...

Awesome!!! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant news!

Christine Bell said...

Sounds adorable, Jennifer, and I can't wait to read it! Congrats!

Jessica R. Patch said...

I thought the blurb was clever and fun! Congratulations!

Jackie Ashenden said...

Congrats on the sale, Jennifer! That's awesome news!

BK Mattingly said...

YAY!!! Congrats!!!

alexia said...

Congrats! So exciting!

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

AHHHHH!!!!! Congratulations!

Catherine Bybee said...

Congrats!!! I love to hear about a great sale.

Natascha said...


Jennifer Shirk said...

Thanks again, everyone!!

Scarlet Wilson said...

Congratulations on your wonderful news Jennifer!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS, Jennifer!

Stephanie Faris said...

YAY!!! Congratulations! That's awesome news!!!

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Jennifer, the book sounds so cute! Congratulations!!!

Carol Kilgore said...

I'm late, but my CONGRATULATIONS! are huge. Way to go!

Linda Kage said...

YAY!! Congrats. Can't wait for this one. I love the title and blurb.

Kimberly Franklin said...

Congrats! That's so exciting!! I can't wait to read! :)

Susan R. Mills said...

Congratulations!!!!! And, I didn't even have to take a break for you to get good news. :)

Karen Lange said...

Congratulations! Very excited for you! :o)

Cheryl Klarich said...

Yes!!! It sounds really cute! And fun!!!
Congratulations, Jennifer!!!

Heather Sunseri said...

Congrats, Jennifer! The story sounds fantastic, too!

TheBookGirl said...

Congratulations Jennifer, what great news!

Did you create Sunniva's name yourself? I've never heard of it before, and it is lovely.

Based on that blurb, I would definitely read this book!! Good luck with it.

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Unknown said...

Congratulations, Jennifer! Awesome news. Even though I only got to read the first part of this story, I loved it! Can't wait to read the ending.

microsoft exchange email said...

Congrats dear! Looking forward to read your book!

lotusgirl said...

Congratulations! It sounds like a fun read.

Abby Annis said...

Congratulations!!! :)

Name: Holly Bowne said...

Wow, congratulations! (I just found you through the wonderful blog of Susan Mills.)

And as an aspiring novelist, I'm sitting here saying, "Oh goodie! Thanks so much for including the blurb from your successful query letter like that!" :o)

Lauren F. Boyd said...

Congratulations on your book contract!