Monday, July 9, 2012

What kind of books do you like to...EAT?

Hey, all! It's good to be back!
Had a wonderful week of parties every day (not an exaggeration) and taking advantage of tons of beach time (yes, I have a mean tan already)

So although I was away from the blogosphere, I checked in on Facebook and Goodreads and sometimes Twitter when I had a free moment. And it was on Goodreads that I noticed a cool review for one of my books--which naturally prompted this post.

The review was for Sunny Days for Sam and what made it interesting was this:

I imagine if you could feed your brain cotton candy and ice cream in book form this book would be an excellent choice!
It's a quick read too so it would be like a Lady PacMan read! Just chomp chomp chomp until you're done!
I would read it on one of those days where you just need something light hearted! :)

Naturally, I had to tell my critique partners and we all had a good laugh because it's not everyday your book gets compared to cotton candy, ice cream, and Lady PacMan all in ONE review. LOL!

One my critique partners, Nina Croft,  said a reviewer once compared one of her books to Jalapeno Kettle Chips because you couldn't read just a little bit but had to devour the whole book. (Love that!)

So we thought it was interesting how many readers compare books to food!

It's probably the easiest analogy to relate to, but still, it had me thinking about what I like to read in terms of food. Most times, I do like a light sweet read (probably why that's what I write). So yeah, I like a little bowl of "ice cream".
Books are a treat to me, so that's how I want to spend my limited free time.

BUT...there are times when I need something more. A "steak dinner", if you will. A book that's a little heavier, meatier--especially when I have the time to sit and really enjoy.

Maybe you like to read books that would be considered more "junk food" on the beach or even vacation (or all the time).

I even like to switch up genres in between my romance reading and read horror or suspense for what I like to call "sorbet" to my reading pallet. :-)

My favorite author is Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I have always said her books were like crack cocaine. Yes, not food, but if I had to translate that to food, I'd probably say some sort of "decadent flourless chocolate cake".
Oh yeah. Now I'm hungry...

Think about books you tend to read and like, or even your favorite authors.
How would you compare those books to food?


CJ Kennedy said...

That's a hard one for me. I've never thought about comparing books to food. Hmmm, I like sci-fi/fantasy. Can't think of food, but the drink, Jolt, came to me. It is or was a geek drink. Jolt, all the sugar of regular soda and twice the caffeine. Yup, that about sums up sci-fi

Linda G. said...

Mmmm. I love cotton candy! :)

I like to say my books are popcorn--light and salty. ;)

If you're in the mood for an epicurean feast, I'd recommend Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. They are positively sumptuous.

Leigh Caron said...

Fortune cookies...can't wait for the surprise inside.

Sarita Leone said...

You always make me smile. So glad you had a great time at the beach!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Linda G: I'm a popcorn fan so I can't wait to read your book!

Unknown said...

If it's a craft or research book - then it's all about the crunch and something to sink my teeth into like a good steak. If I'm reading for pleasure then it's most definitely a chocolate cheesecake, I need something rich, smooth and indulgent - so I can escape into the fantasy world and not care about anything else.

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Oh my word--I love this post!

And my hope is that my books are like the Mocha Chocolate Icebox Cake I saw on Barefoot Contessa a few weeks ago.

Could eat that every day for the rest of my life!
~ Wendy

Jessica Lemmon said...

I love romance, and I like a little humor and a lot of deep emotion. So I'd compare those books to smoked salmon. Not too heavy so that you're miserable, but with depth you can appreciate!

Old Kitty said...

Welcome back and glad you partied the days away! Yay! And yay for your fab reviews too!!

I shall compare my favourite books/authors to chocolate! Some are dark and tasty, others are sweet and gooey, a few are tart and spicey but they always always make me very happy! Take care

Jennifer Shirk said...

I'm loving all these food comments!! They're making me smile--and hungry. :)

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Fun! I'd probably say I like reading books that are like sweet tea with lemon. Fresh and sweet, maybe with a little tang, and not too overwhelming.

I like books that aren't too heavy and end well!

Unknown said...

I like books that are fun to read, like romantic comedies - so I'd say a candy necklace or one of those big sucker rings. :)

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

I used to equate Harlequin romances with potato chips. Kinda like junk food, in that they aren't exactly intellectually stimulating, but go down real fast and easy-like. I enjoy a wide variety of reading materials (and food) nowadays. Some literary works nourish my body and soul, like a wonderful five-course meal. Some romances add a little spice to my cuisine, and books providing new ideas and information are like new exotic foods. I read your book, and loved it. Wouldn't call it cotton candy, though. More like a delicious piece of German chocolate cake. Sweet, and thoroughly satisfying. My book is more like a homemade chicken pot pie. Comfort food.

Connie Keller said...

I just finished reading People of the Book. I loved it. I'd equate it to a really good, rare steak with a glass of Cabernet. Delicious and filling.

Liza said...

Well, I'm cheating here...but when I'm really looking for some light reading, I enjoy reading cook books!

Carol Kilgore said...

Cotton candy, ice cream, and Lady PacMan. I love it!

Karen Lange said...

Never thought about it like this, but I can relate. Some books are like a savory steak, others like, well, cotton candy! :) All have their place, I think, for a balanced reading experience. Glad you had a great week off!

Diane Estrella said...

I did compare one of Mel Starr's books to a fine steak that you want to take your time to savor and enjoy. Now I'm hungry too, thanks Jennifer!!! :O)

Gabrielle Meyer said...

When I want to eat something meaty and filling, something that will stay with me a long time as I digest it, I go to Laura Frantz, Francine Rivers and Lynn Austin. When I want something light and airy, something that goes down smooth and quickly satiates my hunger, I reach for Deeanne Gist, Karen Whitmeyer and Mary Connealy. If I only have a moment to take a quick snack, I go to Joyce Meyer and read one of her daily devotionals - very satisfying!

Cute post!!

Lydia Kang said...

Did you mean to make me drool with this post? Ha ha. Book are food for the soul. 'nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jennifer! WELCOME BACK! Interesting post. I don't think I've ever compared any books to food.

Shelley Munro said...

I love these food comparisons, although I've never thought of books in this way. While I was reading your post I thought that wine could be used as a scale of book descriptions with the meatier books being red wine.

Fun post :)

Linda Kage said...

Books and food? Yum! Is there anything better in life? But seriously, what a great comparison. I like my romantic comedies--light and fruity snacks--plus I also enjoy historical romances which are more savory with some meat in there. And I can't leave out my newest passion for paranormals, which are like those experimental foods such as escargot.

Melissa said...

Hmm... I like a juicy, flavorful piece of BBQ--boneless so I can eat it fast, but meaty so I can really dig in, and big enough it leaves me satisfied while not being large enough to bloat me beyond comfortably full. How's that?

Thanks for visiting my blog, and thanks for the encouragement. :)

LTM said...

Ha! What a fun question! I feel like I'm not prepared to answer... Hmm... It depends on the book. Some are like chocolate. Some are like a light snack, and then some are like a steak dinner. I need to check out SEP you recommended there.

Kudos for being cotton candy, ice cream AND Ms. Pac Man. Wow. Impressive! :D <3

TheBookGirl said...

Great question...I definitely like to change up my reading genres...
As a vegetarian, I wouldn't classify anything I read as "meaty" however :)

Sandra Cox said...

You're right. Food is absolutely the best comparison to books. The one's I love and can't put down are like homemade pastries. I can't keep anything homemade in the house, pies, cookies, fudge, etc. I'll devour it.
The books I like but can walk away from between Chapters, hmm, more like pretzels, peanuts and granola bars.