Thursday Thirteen #20
The Thirteen Most Recent Books I've Read
1. Sushi for One? by Camy Tang **Loud Asian Christian Chick-lit. Funny!
2. The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman ** This book is so good.

3. The Plot Thickens by Noah Lukeman ** he's so informative, I had to read more.
4. Ex and The Single Girl by Lani Diane Rich ** You can't help but laugh.

5. Trouble in Tennessee by Tanya Michaels** This was a grrrrreat category read!

6. Temporarily Texan by Victoria Chancelor

7. Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass ** Yeah, I know I'm probably the only person who hadn't read this eons ago, but I'm a slow reader.

8. The Music of Marcus by Lainey Bancroft ** Sweet and funny story!

9. A Season of Forgiveness by Brenda Coulter ** I absolutely fell in love with the hero of this story.

10. Prints Charming by Rebecca Seitz

11. True Love (and other lies) by Whitney Gaskell ** This author is becoming a new favorite of mine. She's F.U.N.N.Y.

12. Get Out of that Pit by Beth Moore** true stories and truly inspirational

13. Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain ** good, but my least favorite how-to-book so far this year.

What are you reading now?
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!1. Elle Fredrix 2. Cassandra 3. Annalee Blysse 4. R.G. Alexander 5. Babe King 6. Gina Ardito 7. Tempest Knight 8. Jennifer McKenzie 9. Crystal Jordan 10. Jennifer Colgan & Bernadette Gardner 11. Elizabeth Parker 12. Rhonda Stapleton 13. Paige Tyler 14. Robin L. Rotham 15. Heather 16. Kate Willoughby 17. Ava Rose Johnson 18. Kissa Starling 19. Amelia June 20. Shelley Munro 21. Lyric 22. Debbie Mumford 23. Diana Castilleja 24. Adelle 25. Ciar Cullen 26. Marguerite Labbe 27. Lesley Speller 28. Stephanie Secrest 29. Savannah Chase 30. Lia (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
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Right now I'm reading "True Believer" by Nicholas Sparks. I just finished "Sleeping with Strangers" by Eric Jerome Dickey.
Wish I had more time to read ...
I probably won't be able to read (unless it's for a cp) until after the new year. :( The life of a writer. Anywho. I have number 4 & 7. I am a big Lani Diane Rich fan. She has such an awesome voice and such wicked wit. Happy TT!
I'm reading "the Kept Woman" - enjoying it. I see some good ones to put in my pile on your list - thanks!
I've not read any of these. I probably should check some of these out. :) Thanks for the heads up! Happy T13!
I don't recognize any of these!! Which is awesome. I'm always looking for new stuff.
Thanks for the list!
I have not ready any of those, thanx for telling me..I have to check them out...
Happy T13
GOOD LIST! I'm reading The Matchmaker by Jamie Denton right now. It's so creepy good...
LOL! I went from a list of books I'd read most of to a list of books I've read none of. I own number 13, though, and intend to read it one of these days. :D
I haven't read the Maass book so you're not the only one. I'm putting in my 2008 list.
My copy of Camy's book is in the mail.
I'm reading Marriage at Circle M by Donna Alward. I love the Harlequin Romance line for its sweetness, brevity, and low prices! And I can read them without being pulled too far away mentally from my wip.
I'm currently reading Jacquie D'Alessandro's Sleepless at Midnight. The Noah Lukeman books look interesting. Amazon and UPS love me. Thanks for the recommendations!
My TT's up at
I'm in the middle of Charlaine Harris's book All Together Dead.
Trouble in Paradise sounds fun! And Get out of that pit actually looks like a winner too and I stopped reading stuff like that years ago. I got bored...don't tell! LOL
Great list! I haven't read any of those either, but now I will. Thanks for the info :)
I haven't read any of these, though I have heard of a few. I'm currently working my way through Kay Hooper's backlist - midway through Out of the Shadows right now.
I love those Noah Lukeman books! I'm not much of a how-to gal, but for him, I make an exception. Right now I'm reading The Adultery Diet by Eva Cassady. Since I'm only 14 pages in, I'll reserve my opinion til a later date. :-)
I'm reading something by Jo Beverley. Once again she chose a hero name that is just ridiculous, but I like her stories, so I go along with it. I can't remember the title, though, and I'm too lazy to go look. I just finished THE NAME OF THE WIND by Patrick Rothfuss, and it was EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT. If you like fantasy, READ THAT BOOK.
Great list. Next book I want to read is Red Storm by Zinnia Hope.
Happy T13!
"Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass ** Yeah, I know I'm probably the only person who hadn't read this eons ago, but I'm a slow reader."
It's still on my list, too. To make things worse, I bought the workbook months ago. I keep "saving" it for something. Maybe it's time to crack it open.
I'm glad you liked my book! I actually just started #4 on your list!
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