Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Love those Lables

MENTAL STATUS: "Sluggish". Sore from too much exercise. Fear not. I think I'll live.

It's not often that blog fodder drops into my lap, but it does tend to happen a little more frequently when you have an observant hubby like mine. (Thanks, sweetie!)

As we were having lunch the other day, my hubby handed me his Vitamin Water with a laugh. Then I read the label and laughed, too.

Here's what it said:

If you woke up tired, you probably need more sleep. If you woke up drooling at your desk, you probably need a new job. If you woke up with a headache on a Ferris wheel at the Idaho state fair, wearing a toga, you probably need answers, not to mention this product.

It's got potassium and b vitamins to help you recover and feel refreshed--kinda like in those old Irish Spring Soap commercials.

And if you're like our boss, Mike, and woke up married to an Elvis impersonator, you probably need a lawyer.

I'm going back to the store today and buying more of this stuff. It tastes really good, but you've got to appreciate a good label like that when you see it.

Ah, but reading labels does more than entertain. It brings knowledge. Like when my hubby read the label on his new can of racquetballs. Apparently, my hubby ordered a brand that is endorsed by 5-Time Pro World Champion Racquetball player Sudsy Monchik.


Yeah, that's what we said. That's some name, but he's for real all right. You can read all about Sudsy here. So if the question happens to come up in Trivia Pursuit, remember where you heard of Sudsy Monchik first.

Are you a label reader?


Prixie said...

I ALWAYS read labels cos I am vegetarian and do not eat anything with eggs and gelatine.

But that label was so interesting and entertaining...dare I say almost honest?! ;p

Stephanie said...

How funny! That definitely deserves some profit after a label like that! Very cute!

Cyndi Sweet said...

I always read labels, too. :) Like Ben and Jerry labels. I think they're an attempt to reach the consumer in a more personal way. Once they touch a chord (like they did with you), you're more apt to buy the product.

Personally, I want to get PAID for writing labels like that...

Chelle Sandell said...

That would be a killer job. Ya know, they say lack of sleep causes weight gain. I bet that could go hand-in-hand with most Americans work and home schedule...nowadays we have so many family activities and extended work days that sleep seems to be for power naps only.

Yay on the website. I need to do mine at the end of the month. I'm not in too big of a hurry publishing contract. But it's hard to convince an editor I'll be a go-getter in self-promotion if I have nothing to back it up.