Coming out of the Dark Ages
IN THE NEWS: Man who allegedly shot at his TV because he was upset about Bristol Palin being on “Dancing with the Stars". Read more HERE.
Well, I'm finally using my IPad for something other than a giant IPod. :)
The thing is we got the IPad originally for music. Long story short: we got speakers put in our kitchen, sun room and deck. With the whole setup we can now control what music is being played in different areas of the house as well as control the TV --all from the IPad. (I know it sounds like I'm technologically advanced but I just nod and shake my head when I'm at the audio store)
Anyhew, when I finally had the time to play around with the IPad, I kind of looked at it and scratched my head then asked my hubby where the manual was. I just got "a look" when I posed that question. Apparently there is no manual. Well. Who knew?
All I really wanted to do figure out how to read an ebook. (baby steps)
I do have a SONY e-reader. But then the other day I heard about some of the great free Kindle book deals you can take advantage of if you have a Kindle--or a Kindle app. so I put two and two together and downloaded the free app onto my IPad and voila! I had an ebook within seconds.
WOW. It was a scary it was so easy.
Who knew I was living in the Dark Ages with my old SONY non-wifi reader? Gosh, the IPad was SO much simpler. Life begins today! Well, life really began yesterday when I actually downloaded and started reading the book. But you know what I mean. :)
I can't really tell a difference as far reading off the IPad vs my old SONY reader. I've heard it's not as good as the actual ebook readers. But I can adjust the tint and font pretty easily and have it down to where I find it really comfortable. I'll let you know if my eyes start to bother me. But so far so great.
Now I'm looking into apps that I can download so I can actually do edits on my IPad. I'll let you know how that goes. I know I'm a little behind the times, but I'm slowly getting there.

What about you?
Are you in the know with all the applications and downloads you can use for you IPad or laptop, or are you living in the Dark Ages like me?
What are your favorite apps?
Oh, I'm totally living in the dark ages. And that headline cracked me up!
Behind the times? I am still lobbying to get an IPad! that said the ipad is like a giant iphone without the phone so I can tell you it is really awesome, you just go to the app store and knock yourself out.
I am in the dark! Don't have an IPad, IPhone or I anything.
Truth be told, I've never even sent a text message.
Light! People, bring me some light. ;)
~ Wendy
No ipad, no ereader, no iphone. I'm really behind!
I am totally living in the dark ages when it comes to anything beyond the basics of my lap top.
I've had an iPod for two years and have yet to figure it out.
I have learned how to make calls on my cell phone, but still have no idea how to access my voice mail.
Maybe I'll learn this stuff one of these days . . . when I have time. :-)
Whoa. Shot his own TV? Crazy.
I must still be living in the dark ages - you lost me with the word 'ipad' :-)
I'm way back in the dark ages. I still use, gasp, cds and DVDs.
Okay, I admit, I've graduated to flash drive on the computer, but Ipad, Kindle? I only wish.
My husband has one of those smart phones. It totally intimidates me. But honestly. The thing knows when it's raining and little raindrops will dribble down the screen as the wallpaper. If there's a thunderstorm outside, lightning will occasionally flash across the screen of the phone. Creepy much? Yeah, I think so too.
Apps kinda scare me. I was thinking of loading the Kindle app but I really want to know how much Amazon can track where I go once it's loaded.
Let us know how it works out for you.
PS Thanks for voting for me!!
Wendy: LOL! Girl, I only do texts. We need to get you up to speed. :)
Gee, it's nice to know I'm not the only one trying to figure these new technologies out. LOL
Im asking for an IPad for Christmas. Good for you for jumping in there and figuring it out!
No iPad here either. Technology-wise, my knowledge is pretty basic. But I'm willing to learn! Happy Friday to you ...
I don't have an iPad yet. But maybe in the future. *fingers crossed*
You are now officially one of my cool friends.
I'm still trying to figure out how you can control music. Huh?
And if you take it away from whereever it is to use it for another app, what happens to the music, then?
I'm so confusted.
I'm still in the Dark Ages -- no iPhone, no eReader. Maybe someday...
I'm in the dark, too...
and, I heard about that lunatic shooting his!
When I got a new Ipod I was also surprised at how tiny the box was. Where the heck were the instructions? Oh yeah, there aren't any. I wonder if I can get a Kindle app on my Ipod. Sounds fun.- G
I have an ipod and I downloaded one manuscript reader app on it but I don't really use it. Other than that, I'm in the dark ages. I get to learn about all the new things from everyone's blogs--even if I still stay confused :)
Behind the times? I have yet to get an mp3 player of any kind, much less a smartphone, iPod, iPad, ereader or any other such gadget. I do have Kindle for PC and Nook for PC downloaded though, so I'm reading ebooks. And I hope to get a Nook Color this year. The iPad is still a bit too pricey.
Um I am way in the dark ages. I don't own any of those things!
I'm oblivious to apps! I really have no clue!
I'm writing this from my iPad! now will you teach me how to have music all over my house? I'm hosting a party next month and would love to do this!
I'm so jealous because I'm so in the Dark Ages. Can you read it outside in the sun? Or shade? I hear some say yes, others say no. I also want to know about editing or first drafting on it ... when you get that far.
I do have a Nook. I prefer the printed book, but the Nook is okay. This way I can afford more books! And I am this day trying to figure out how to publish either on Kindle or Smashwords. I'm a bit lost with Kindle (Amazon) but I've downloaded how to format on Smashwords, so maybe I can figure it out.
I did do cell phone, but only the basics. No other "gadgets" except Nook. I don't need anymore "things" to boggle my mind!!!
Love this post~ I don't have an ipad, I considered it when I was looking for new laptop but I'm afraid if I had books and music, I wouldn't get any work done. And apps- wow, I'd spend a lot of time checking those out.
Thanks for sharing. Cheers~
I know a tiny bit to get myself by, but I hate always having to know the greatest and latest things. Can't wait for my kids to be a little older so they can run everything for me. :O)
You're light years ahead of me. But you give me hope that one day I'll master all the techi stuff. Hell, I was proud I figured out how to upload photos to my blog today.
You think it only 'sounds' like you're technologically advanced? Girl, you're waaaay ahead of me! I have an iPod, but that's it.
Very interesting. I've heard that the iPad isn't great for reading, because of the whole "back-lighting" issues. I hadn't even considered adjusting the settings to make it more comfortable.
Hi Jennifer,
I love the iPad, it's tres sexy! And it's functional. My OH bought one during summer hols (as it was cheaper tax free o/seas vs here...cough cough the only reason he bought it? LOL) I found having an iPhone makes it easier to navigate. Its like a giant phone. I will get my own iPad one day but for now I'm loving my Mac and netbook! ;)
I haven't got an "i" anything and I'm still trying to work out what an app is, but I'll get there!
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