Tuesday, March 6, 2007

MGM (day 4)

MENTAL STATUS: "Happy" despite poor sleep. Woke myself up around 4AM due to dreams of giant spiders and small snakes. But I did do some writing yesterday. The daughter is getting over her cold. We have more cupcakes in the house. So, life is good.

Where was I? Oh yeah. MGM Studios:

We did pretty tame things there. So no Tower of Tower ride or Rock 'n' Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith for us (namely, me). But we did catch A LOT of shows. By the end of the day my daughter was pretty much "showed out". Luckily, she had a little recharging at the Playhouse Disney Live on Stage show to make it to the Fantasmic show.

THE best show at MGM!!!

And one we would have never saw if it hadn't been for my stubborn four-year old. She had been helping me "read" the map that day and every time we sat down somewhere she'd point to where the Fantasmic show was and ask me about it. (On the map you see Mickey, fire, lights and a dragon, so naturally it intrigued her)

Even at the end of the day when we were all dragging, she still insisted we see that show--knowing nothing about it. Even my mother-in-law could not cleverly try to persuade her to change her mind by offering to buy her something instead. My daughter said, "I don't want to look at a store. I want to see the show." (This really cracked me up. What kid turns down a toy to see a show? And she loves to shop.)

To quote a line from the Terminator movie, "It can't be reasoned with. It can't be bargained with. And it absolutely will not stop."

That's my girl.

Well, I'm glad she was so stubborn, because I really loved this show. I was afraid it would be a little scary for her (this show is NOT for 3 and under) but she really enjoyed it too. We also had a lovely dinner at the Brown Derby courtesy of my in-laws, so all in all, it was a great day.

Here are some more pics.

This is from the Car Stunt show.

This person (or rather woman) was actually on fire. It's hard to see. She had some sort of gel on her suit which is what actually burned.

These pics are from the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular. (I noticed a trend of fire, water and lights for practically all the MGM shows.)

Ah. Something tame again. Pics from the Beauty and the Beast Show. (We had great seats)

Whew! Another vacation day gone by. Trust me, we're almost done here.
Now it's off to story time at the library and hopefully I can get some critiquing done for my critique partners.
Have a great day!


Chelle Sandell said...

We can't decide what to do on our vacation. It's the first real one we've had the money and time for. We've taken them to Six-Flags and waterparks but Orlando seems good option because of variety for all ages. Your pictures are very convincing for Disney though!!! Looks like you guys had a blast.

Prixie said...

Looks like a fab trip... loved the pic with ariel and the comment to the hubby. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the photos! I have a trip coming up and I'm excited for my trip to the Studios as well. I found this great resource if you ever go back: Studios Central