Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Shhhh! I'm trying to write.

IN THE NEWS: According to starpulse news blog, "Socialite Paris Hilton is spearheading a campaign to stop a herd of elephants killing themselves - after binging on alcohol. The hotel heiress was horrified to discover 40 of the animals were electrocuted after drinking rice-beer, which is brewed by locals in north-east India. And Hilton is now urging Indian residents to lock up their booze."
(Good for her?)

Yes, that's right. I'm writing today. I'm doing it the old fashioned way, too. Pen and paper.

FINALLY some time to myself. Sheesh. Hopefully, I'll have some sort of word total to post tomorrow.


Chicki Brown said...

Sometimes getting away from the computer is like a breath of fresh air.

I have a friend who only writes in notebooks because she says the story "comes out through her hand."

Hope your day is profitable.

Chelle Sandell said...

Happy writing girl! Ya never know...the method change may inspire your writing muse.

Tempest Knight said...

When I'm stuck, the best way to do some writing is the old fashion way alright. *g* Have a great writing day! Don't let the internet tempt you to do stop.